3 Card Folds to Change Things Up!

Today I am showing three different card folds while still keeping the rectangle shape of the card. These folds are so much better because these will fit in standard envelopes than other folds that make things very complicated. Today I’m featuring the Gatefold Card, Dutch Door and Clear Window ideas. You can see all theseContinue reading “3 Card Folds to Change Things Up!”

2 for 1 Card Techniques – 4 Ways to Double your Card Stash!

In today’s video tutorial I am showing you 4 techniques that easily create a second card so you get the most out of your craft time. When we carve out time in our schedule for crafting, it is always so satisfying when we produce results. These are four techniques that will guarantee that feeling! TechniqueContinue reading “2 for 1 Card Techniques – 4 Ways to Double your Card Stash!”